Cortex Pharmacy Management Software
Cortex provides the complete pharmacy software solution to fulfill all of your pharmacy's requirements today and beyond. It is developed to manage the entire transactions done in a pharmacy Sector.
Cortex is committed to providing the highest level of software quality and service. It is a web based system to replace all the existing desk top systems for reasons of portability and better functions from usability point of view. Cortex is the most efficient, Customizable and user friendly Pharmacy Software available in the market today with 100% customer satisfaction.
Listed below are some of the reasons why Cortex is one of the best
Cortex is a Cloud Ready Solution and thus offers wide range of cloud advantages
Being a cloud based system Cortex can be accessible from anywhere and on any devices by any number of users.
Cortex can be used regardless of Country or Region, Thus Cortex is compatible anywhere.
Cortex enabled a Centralized Inventory Management System, which allow the users to track the items in a different perspective.
Real time search options, product History tracking and supplier, manufacturer, brand, stock wise search is enabled.
An approval Management System is enabled for the smooth functioning of the SCM Process.
A Complete Process Tracking is enabled for all activities related to the Supply Chain Management, which facilitate a proper auditing.
Documents related to the SCM can be uploaded.
It has a Centralized management for approved drugs, Clinicians and Insurance Companies.
Classification of the product can be defined
Paperless system to manage insurance process, Cortex is integrated with Insurance submission and Resubmission.
Cortex offers Enhanced Prescription Entry and advanced options for dispensing of drugs.
Paperless system to manage insurance process, Cortex is integrated with Insurance submission and Resubmission.
Cortex is equipped with fully automated E Claim processing system thus it reduces manual effort and makes perfect calculations.
Cortex manages Cash Patient easily and effectively
Easier maintenance and free upgrades.
Each product history is accessible through product master functionality
Cortex is working as a centralized system for multiple pharmacies under a single organization.
Cortex Pharmacy System is designed for the following business sectors:
- Single /Individual Pharmacy Management
- Group Pharmacy Management
- Drug Store/Whole Sale Management – SCM Process
- integrated with Hospitals & Clinics system or can be used individually.

Single / Individual Pharmacy Management
A complete Single Pharmacy Management is made possible which includes Product Purchase and Point of Sale.
Insurance claim management is enabled.
Purchase Request, purchase Quote, Purchase Order, purchase Receipt and purchase return modules are included as part of purchase.
Point of Sale and Sales return are part of Sales Module

Group of Pharmacies Management
Pharmacy to pharmacy stock transfer is enabled.
All pharmacies and its insurance transactions can be managed in a single dashboard with enhanced options. With this option organization admin can provide privileges to pharmacies managed by Organization Admin.
A centralized inventory can be maintained and its stock can be transferred to the child pharmacies under the Organization. This can be tracked and Sales Revenue of the individual pharmacies can be managed by Organization level
Insurance claim management is enabled
Individual pharmacies can be managed from anywhere.
Purchase Request, purchase Quote, Purchase Order, purchase Receipt and purchase return modules are included as part of purchase
Point of Sale and Sales return are part of Sales Module.

Drug Store/Whole Sale Management – SCM Process
Cortex acts as a drugstore which enables the complete Supply Chain Management System.
Drugstore in the Cortex system is designed for B 2 B, between businesses.
The drugstore option in Cortex system can be part of a group of pharmacies or work individually.
Categorization of the customers can be made possible and provide different discounts on purchase.
A centralized customer management system is provided.
Purchase and sales features.
Purchase Request, purchase Quote, Purchase Order, purchase Receipt and purchase return modules are included as part of purchase.
Sales Quote, Sales Order, Sales Invoice and Sales Return modules are part of Sales.

Cortex can be integrated with Hospitals & Clinics system or can be used individually.
Cortex can be integrated with different departments.
Department wise purchase request can be processed with this option.
A centralized process for purchase activities for clinics and hospitals can be enabled with this system.
All department requests for the inventory can be managed in an efficient way.
Tracking of the requested inventory can be possible by the department
Multiple department requests for multiple items can be processed in an automated and proper way.
Utilization for the inventory in each department can be
Purchase to sales features.
Cortex provides various additional features which none of the current pharmacy systems can introduce.
Purchase Requests can be initiated from different departments and a consolidated Purchase Quote is possible through Cortex.
Purchase Quote can be created against single supplier as well as multiple suppliers.
Purchase Quote replication is possible and can be processed individually through Cortex.
Purchase Quote can be created even without Purchase request
Purchase Quote can be created without Supplier details and can be assigned later
New Purchase Order can be created without purchase request and Purchase Quote.
Product, Supplier and Invoice Drill down is available to get the history.
Forward and backward tracing of each activity is possible to get the current status of each Purchase Request.
Real Time search Option for Products through Inventory master.
All details can be uploaded through excel and downloaded in PDF.
An efficient purchasing module is important for the pharmacy system.
An efficient purchasing module is important for the pharmacy system. Our Purchase module generate and track the complete item
procurement process through Purchase Request, purchase quote, Purchase Order and purchase Invoice. Purchase Request is created from system to obtain items in the stock. Supplier quotes are collected against items with multiple supplier price comparisons used by the system to recommend supplier selection for each purchase order. Purchase Order is created and then sent from the system to supplier indicating all the item details. Sales Invoice will be given by the supplier and then purchase receipt will be created against it. Bare code is generated based on the Purchase Receipt for each Product. With CORTEX the entire flow that this module handles has become much simpler and prompter. Purchase returns are also provided in the CORTEX which allows for refunds that can be received back
Sales Management
One of the commonly used modules and it is essential for a pharmacy system.
Sales Management
Sales Management Module is one of the commonly used module and it is essential for a pharmacy system. It is the time and place where
the real transaction is taking place. Customers make a transaction in exchange for purchased item. So system needs to capture all the related details of this transaction. Cortex has a very good system in place to manage Sales Management Module. It has options to handle Regular, Wholesale, Retail Customers and Normal Patients, who are ready to pay by cash on time – Cash Patient and who has insurance to claim the amount later – Insurance Patient. Cortex provides complete Paper less data collection of the insurance patient
Report is a collective data displayed in a pdf format, is linked with Purchase and Sales modules
Report is a collective data displayed in a pdf format, according to our search criteria. Cortex is linked with Purchase and Sales modules to generate corresponding reports. Day wise, Department wise, Status wise reports are generated on each module. Major reports to consider in Report Module include the following
Credit customers Report
Purchase Reports
Sales Reports
Product & Stock Reports
E – Claim
helps the Pharmacies to prepare their e-claims’ submission to the concerned insurance
E – Claim
Cortex helps the Pharmacies to prepare their e-claims’ submission to the concerned insurance companies and health authorities. This system is a completely automated one and also manages remittance advices and re-submissions. It ensures the automatic loading of relevant data from the Point of Sale Module. Claim xml can be handled only by a technical coder. Cortex introduces a new E-Claim system in which the xml transactions will happen at the back end. So any end user will be able to make it possible through Cortex.
Salient features of E-Claim include:
Editing claims and Inserting ICD Codes
Claim Submission & Re-Submission
Checks claims for missing information, valid procedure and diagnosis codes.
Shows the amount settled on each claim
Re-Submission and Inserting Re-submission Comments
Rejected/ partially settled claims shows the denial code
Shows each claim status
Report Generation – including claim status/Reconciliation
All the error messages will be displayed in a user understandable way.
Cortex E-Claim system helps Pharmacies in improving the possibilities for the acceptance ofclaims.
Pharmacy Management
Cortex provides an enhanced pharmacy
management module regardless of any type of
Pharmacy System
Pharmacy Management
Cortex provides an enhanced pharmacy management module regardless of any type of Pharmacy System. The Pharmacy management
Module allows to create Pharmacy Admin users to login the Cortex System. Each user can be assigned with different permissions to access some or all functionalities. They can also being assigned special privileges to add roles and provide privileges for a new user.
Centralized Inventory Management
Prior authorization, is one of the major problems hospitals / clinics / and pharmacies have when dealing ….
Centralized Inventory Management
Cortex provides an inventory management system to oversee the flow of products and services in and out of your organization The objective of inventory management is to provide uninterrupted production, sales, and/or customer service levels at the minimum cost. Cortex maintains Centralized Inventory in the case of multiple pharmacies under your single organization. Our inventory management system provides:
Fast transactions
Improves accuracy of Inventory
Increases efficiency and productivity
Centralized system will keep your inventory up to date
Time Saving and cost cutting system
Drill down option to analyze the whole purchase transaction
Barcode Generation and Scanning
Cortex provides barcode generation and Scanning option for the accurate product details tracking. It increases the transaction speed and eliminates the human error. Barcode is generated for each product at the time of purchase and then barcode is scanned at the time of dispensing the same product. Complete and detailed tracking of each product is possible through Cortex
Cloud Concept
Cortex Pharmacy System is complete cloud ready
solution. Whole of this system is accessible through browser-based services
Cloud Concept
Cortex Pharmacy System is complete cloud ready solution. Whole of this system is accessible through browser based services. Cloud is essential to take away all the current IT issues of Pharmacy system. Cortex with cloud concept promises several attractive benefits for businesses and end users:
Improve accessibility
Automatic software integration and updates.
Improve flexibility
Almost Unlimited Storage
Cost Efficient
Work from anywhere
Secure & Competitive
Easy & quick transactions
Facility to log in anytime and anywhere